Saturday, April 25, 2015

Grounded in Beckley, West Virginia

No flying today.

The weather is not helping. It has been raining with low ceilings all day long in town and in a large area covering from Chicago to Nashville, East ahead of my possible routes.

Another storm front is currently approaching, but it is not clear how quickly it will pass. I may not have flying weather conditions again until tomorrow afternoon.

Keeping an eye on the weather...

Not much to do in this town, but at least they have "The best of West Virginia"; Tamarack.

(for more info visit:

I will add some pics in my next leg / post.

My totals today :-)

  • 0 nm
  • 0 hours, 0 min. 

All Best,

Eduard   ;-)


  1. Hi Edu-air
    Que tal las condiciones en Beckley? Niebla? o ya has salido? Las condiciones meteorológicas se deben sentir mucho más en avionetas que aviones.

  2. Oh si. Hay que tener un gran respeto por la Meteo cuando se vuela en avioneta (o planeador) en particular en latitudes come estas en las que las tormentas pueden convertirse en tornados or huracanes.
    Hay que ser paciente,
