Yes!, Yes! ...and Yes!
After many days flying over all kinds of terrain, today I landed at my destination airport: First Flight Airport (KFFA) in Kitty Hawk, in the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
(I was tempted to write "Mission Accomplished", but it has too many political implications and it has been so much diluted since then, so I'll stay away from mentioning it again).
(BTW if you are going to put some music while you read this, I recommend you select some Bluegrass. What about some themes by Alison Krauss? or "Put another log on the fire" by (almost) anyone.
So, I woke up early (relatively) this morning to ensure a smooth flight and landing in the small landing strip of First Flight, and have plenty of time to smell the salty air of the Atlantic Ocean, ...and relax.
The only challenge for this short 1 hour, 39 min leg (178 nm) was to stay away from the Raleigh airport airspace and 2 restricted areas that sandwich the entry into the outer banks during the last portion of the trip. In some occasions the challenge may be the winds since the FFA airstrip is bordered by lines of trees on both sides.
When I reached Kitty Hawk I simply could not go for the airport directly. I overflew it and went up and down along the coast enjoying the long awaited scenery. What a beautiful place.
Today let's start with a video:
Take off at Sanford (KTTA) winds calm, runway 3.
Typical NC landscape
A dam between Clayton and Wilson
The Roanoke river meandering along the Roanoke Wetlands
Another take of the Roanoke Wetlands
The Albemarle Sound. This is were the Chowan, the Roanoke and the Middle rivers meet the Ocean. This means I am approaching my final destination.
They call it a Sound.... Is this river? Is this Ocean? ....I need to wait and keep going.
A shot of my navigation screen shows I am only about 21 miles from completing my Coast to Coast!
The Outer Banks and the Atlantic Ocean!!! This is the East Coast!
Homes with water access in the proximity of the Outer Banks.
Looking South over the Outer Banks. The yellowish areas in this picture are sand dunes. In these dunes the Wright Brothers practiced with their gliders before stepping up to motorized flight.
Looking North in the Outer Banks.
Another view looking north. I can't stop taking pictures.
South views of the Outer Banks
OK. This is serious stuff now: The round circle in this picture is the hill on top of which there is the Wright Brother's Memorial. To the right we can see the First Flight Airstrip (KFFA) where I am about to land. Next to both, to the right is the Wright Brothers Museum and the extension where in Dec 1903 they did their famous 3 first motorized flights. Where the famous picture as per below was taken:
Another view of the area showing the distance to the ocean.
South view and closer view of the sand dunes.
Landing video at my final destination: The "First Flight Airport" (KFFA) at Kitty Hawk. Notice the letters FIRST FLIGHT in yellow on the ground when I reach the parking lot.
N669TW tied up after landing.
Another view of N669TW at KFFA.
There was no one else there at that moment so I decided I would take a selfie. :-)
Views from the top of the hill (above) and of the Memorial (below)
Whether you come flying, or by car, or walking; do not miss the opportunity to visit the Outer banks.
My tracks today:
Since I cannot leave the airplane in KFFA I flew it to Manteo (KMQI)
Day Totals:
- 178 nm
- 1 hour, 39 min.
Trip Totals:
- about 2,900 nm
- 24 hours 50 minutes
This is all for now. Not bad at all! I will retake the blog when I start my return flights.
Meanwhile have a good night. I will too.
All the best,
Eduair :-)
(Oh by the way; this is why I crossed the Mississippi.)
Yes you Can! Congratulations! Objetivo conseguido. Por fortuna tu dispones de mejor tecnologia que Wilburg y Orville Wright, en casi 112 años desde 1903 los inventos y adelantos en aviación han sido fantásticos, lo cual no quita mérito a tu gran proeza. Se merece un brindis con Cava (Catalan) o Champagne (Francés) comandante! Un afectuoso abrazo. Fins aviat.
ReplyDeleteMuchas Gracias Ignasi ! Si, hay que reconocer que ahora es mas facil volar. Ahora es mas acerca de tenacidad y respeto a la meteorologia. Fins aviat !
Congratulations! You have fulfilled your dream!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the Outer Banks before your return; we traveled there several times from Raleigh. Your pictures show that they are beautiful and fragile - especially in a hurricane.
Wishing you a relaxed and safe journey home to California.
I did! I am so happy. Thank you so much Roswita, you have been very supportive all along this trip. I also know you like the outer banks very much from your (our) days in NC.
DeleteI will fly safe in the way back.
Aquesta november tango watusi es la que t'ha de tornar? Vigila a la tornada que si t'equivoques de 180 graus tornaras a fer la ruta d'en Limberg
ReplyDeleteEl meu primer comentari que no ha sortit publicat deia: Hola Gorina, que fas als dominis dels wrigth brothers? Moltes, moltes i moltes felicitas per la travessa. El mon s'ha fet petit. A casa meva diuen que estas com un llum, però no t'els escoltis. No saben el que es sentise ocell.
ReplyDeleteEi Jolis, aqui Gorina.
DeleteMolt agrait pels teus comentaris. Si, el mon es ara mes petit que el que vam conneixer.... I petites aventures com aquesta fan la vida una mica mes divertida.
A veure quan veniu per San Francisco i volem junts!
Una abracada,
Pretty damn cool. Nice job. Imagine if it was called pussy dove would the wright bros just moved on?
ReplyDeleteLOL !
Deletellarg camí cap a un destí desitjat i llunyà, per un món millor. Misión cumplida.
ReplyDeleteSi. Ara nomes queda tornar a casa.
Delete(Diuen que "no es boig qui a casa torna")
Enhorabona!! Ara ja m'he posat al corrent del teu repte!! He passat una bona estona llegint el teu blog . De pas he recordat el curs de paracaigudisme que vam fer.... Fa 30 anys!! Ufff! Això de gaudir de les alçades ja et vé de lluny! Que bé poder complir somnis!! Bona tornada!!
ReplyDeleteGracies Merce.
DeleteEspero no haver de necessitar cap paracaigudes aquesta vegada.
Great job Eduair, great job ! Congratulations to reach the other coast safe and smoothly. I realize this country is the right place to accomplish your dreams . Wheather looks nice. But be careful, because I see bent your airscrews LOL. ;-)
ReplyDeleteXavier Gorina
Gracies Xavi, Com va el pis?
Increíble! Felicidades, esto es mucho más que un maratón! Has hecho historia como los hermanos Wright! Fotos espectaculares desde el aire y desde tierra! Las explicaciones también son muy didácticas.
ReplyDeleteAhora si has sabido llegar también sabrás volver, take caer, mantén la adrenalina alta!
Gracias por los animos Carlos.
DeletePara volver solo hay que seguir las miguitas de pan que deje a la ida. :-)
Awesome Eduard!! I am so pleased that you made it safely...just wish I had been following in real time!!